Sponsorship Opportunities

Special Fundraising Concert Sponsorship Package Levels
Sponsorships are tax deductible donations. Please see each sponsorship package for details.
Per IRS regulations, you will qualify for a deduction in the amount of your donation minus the fair market value of any goods or services received.
All proceeds go to supporting Alif’s mission:
To foster the understanding, appreciation, and preservation of Arab cultures!
- 4 tickets in Oud Sponsor area (gold on map)
- Pre-concert, VIP reception to meet the performers (6:15 pm -7:15pm)
- Sponsor recognition at concert & in-event marketing
- Tax deduction: Per IRS regulations, you will receive a letter recognizing your donation minus any the fair market value of any goods or services received. If you choose to receive all four of your seats, you will receive a letter recognizing a $4,440 donation: $5,000 donation minus $560 (total value of four Oud Level seats).
- 4 tickets in Qanoun Sponsor area (pink on map)
- Pre-concert, VIP reception to meet the performers (6:15 pm -7:15pm)
- Sponsor recognition at concert & in-event marketing
- Tax deduction: Per IRS regulations, you will receive a letter recognizing your donation minus the fair market value of any goods or services received. If you choose to receive all four of your seats, you will receive a letter recognizing a $2,020 tax deduction: $2,500 donation minus $480 (total value of four Qanoun Level seats).
- 2 tickets in Kamanja Sponsor area (orange on map)
- Pre-concert, VIP reception to meet the performers (6:15 pm -7:15pm)
- Sponsor recognition at concert & in-event marketing
- Tax deduction: Per IRS regulations, you will receive a letter recognizing your donation minus the fair market value of any goods or services received. If you choose to receive all four of your seats, you will receive a letter recognizing a $1,050 tax deduction: $1,250 donation minus $200 (total value of two Kamanja Level seats)
- 2 tickets in Derbakeh Sponsor area (purple on map)
- Sponsor recognition at concert & in-event marketing
- Tax deduction: Per IRS regulations, you will receive a letter recognizing your donation minus the fair market value of any goods or services received. If you choose to receive all four of your seats, you will receive a letter recognizing a $340 tax deduction: $500 donation minus $160 (total value of two Derbakeh Level seats)
Regular tickets are on sale now!
GOLD – $250
PINK – $200
ORANGE – $180
RED – $85
GREEN – $100
AQUA – $50