Dabkeh Class
5:30 pm—6:00 pm Instructor: Mr. Alaa Hadeeb Learn how to dance one of the most traditional and cherished dance in the Arab World: The Dabkeh. It’s combines circle dance and line dancing and is widely performed at weddings and other joyous occasions and festivals. Dress in comfortable, exercise clothes. |
Arabic Class
6:00 pm –7:00 pm Instructor: Mr. Philip Ian Join us for a free Introductory Arabic Class using the Newest methods of teaching a second language such as the (TPRS) Teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling. No Notebooks or textbooks needed. |
¨ Join Both classes if you like
¨ No previous experience needed. EVERYONE WELCOME!
¨ Snacks provided.
¨ These courses will be offered regularly in January, 2019.
RSVP required to info@alifinstitute.org by
Monday, November 5,2018.
Thank you